Ben on Madness

These are Ben's own very mad views of madness:

Multiple exclamation marks is a sure sign of madness, loopyness and generally going round the twist



Hello my mad friend. I am pleased to announce that I have been totaly cured of my medness although the green men are still around my front door asking for a cup of suggar!!!!!!! (multiple exclamation marks is a sure sign of madness!!!!!!!(although I am not mad)) The nice doctor stuck a shiny spoon in my nose and pulled out the troubblesome parasites.

Anyway I'l tell you about my strange experience on sunny day in the middle of the night.

I was in the garden filling up the washing machine and suddenly a unknown and formillier object fell from below and hit me on the plug (I am not a washing machine). After much descusssion and a long argument we I descovered it was a RING. Gasing upon the hevans below from which the ring had so rudily appeared during my conversation with the washing machine I spied a lonesome ford KA. The scaredness begrew inside me and I had an untastefull erge to hed inderground. The nearest gaping wound in the earths crust was the suit-a-rain. I lifted the 1 TON led-gold alloy dor to reveale to my unsuspecting cranial sockets that a jiant ear phone had taken lodgings in the subteranien void expelling the smell green french people from their grand wobbily chateux which had been previously flooded be highly acidic, gooey alien vomit. Then the very nice pink elephent on his new shiny B.M.X. came to my rescue and put me back in the piano.



The nice doctor gave me these very tastey pills. I strongly suggest you get some of the bluey-greenny-pinkey-
orangey-grayeee-and generally furry type.



The spelling mestakes are delidorate, It all adds to the are of maddyness.
