Ben on Tomb Raider

Ever since Ben has first owned a computer, he has become obsessed with one game: Tomb Raider. I E-mailed him with the news of a new Tomb Raider game (which did not exist). This was his E-mail response:

I am not sure if I should provoke this reaction:-

AARRGGHH, Yippee, casp, cough, splutter, vomit, choke on my own vomit, suffer a coronary hart malfunction (if there is such a thing) resulting in a slightly bruised elbow, get rushed in to intensive care, and at the end of all that, die a horrible death with tubes and cathodes sticking out of every limb of my body.


Oh, really, that's nice. Then sit back down in front of the T.V. and reach for the nearest Borbon or Custard Cream.

Personally I prefer the second one because this doesn't envolve me dying with "tubes and cathodes sticking out of every limb" but it is not as heroic.

What makes me very unhappy (not that I am unhappy, It's just a figure of speech) is that my Tomb Raider still doesn't work because of my lack of efficient video apparatus, yes once again it all cooks, fries, bakes, simmers, toasts, and generally gets all hot and bothered down to JAKE AAAHHHHH.
