Broken all he has touched

This may be a slight exaggeration, but it does seem that Ben is the opposite of the Greek myth of King Minas. Instead of all that he touches turns to gold, as in the myth, all that Ben touches ends up broken in one form or another.

This could be something to do with the fact that whenever something is possessed by Ben, he always seems to get bored with it and take it apart to see how it works.

Once he has done this, he tries to re-assemble these things, claiming to be 'fixing' them. Either he does manage to fix these things, and they work in a modified way that may be better or worse than before, depending on the point of view, or, he finds that he cannot fix it and it ends up hanging on his bedroom wall.

Examples of things that he has tried to 'fix' include his own computer, his motorbike, his bike, the family generator, his printer, his remote controlled helicopter and many more. All of these either do not work or are in a state that is between working and not working, a kind of semi-fixed state.